In a recent interview with The Gamer, Fumihiko Yasuda, creator of the Nioh series, revealed some information about Team Ninja 's plan for its next project, after the release of Nioh 2.
As for the chances of seeing the next title in the Nioh series in the near future, these do not seem to be satisfactory, as Yasuda said that the Japanese team would like to work on new projects. As he says: "As for the sequel, at the moment, Team Ninja would like to focus on new titles, so there is no plan for Nioh 3 at this point. But after creating some new projects and gaining new experience and skills from these potential projects, I would like to get back in line at some point, using all the experience and new skills we gained from some new projects and then potentially , we return to the series at that point and create an even better game to surpass Nioh and Nioh 2 and create something even better. "
In the same interview, he himself, making it clear that he has nothing specific to announce at the moment, expressed the importance of the Ninja Gaiden series for the Japanese development studio. "If the Ninja Gaiden series did not exist, then there would not be the Nioh series," said the Japanese creator, suggesting to the community to stay tuned for more information in the near future. Then, when asked about Ryu Hayabusa, the protagonist of the Ninja Gaiden series, Yasuda responded, saying: “Yes, this character is the most important of all our franchises. "Because he is so important, I would definitely like to have him reappear in a game coming soon and I would like to announce details about that in the future as soon as possible."
Given the availability of the games in this series only on PlayStation 4 and PC - while they will soon be available in upgraded versions and on the PlayStation 5 with the upcoming Nioh Collection, Xbox consoles are absent from the supported platforms of the Nioh series games, and this seems to be changing soon. "There are no current plans for the Nioh series to be available on Xbox consoles at this point, but of course the Ninja Gaiden series has a long history on Microsoft consoles," Yasuda recently told the Video Games Chronicle, adding: "So if there was new title in the Ninja Gaiden series in the future, we would definitely like it to be on Xbox consoles. ”
It is recalled that last September, the Ninja Gaiden Trilogy for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch leaked from Game Source Entertainment, a distributor in Honh Kong, which, of course, was removed in a short time. According to its description, it contained Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge, while at the same time, we do not yet have an official position from Koei Temco, which is responsible for publishing.
Referring to the new generation of systems, with his work on the new Sony console due to the upcoming transition of the Nioh series to the PlayStation 5, Yasuda states that, given the fast performance from the SSD of this console, he would like to deal with future by creating an open world game. "It's definitely something I think this new hardware will give us the opportunity to try," he says. "We feel that, at the moment, there have been no real high-intensity open world games, which are really full of action from start to finish. That is why we would like to see it as a potential challenge for the future and try to make a new spin on the open world in this regard. "
The release of the Nioh Collection for the PlayStation 5 is scheduled for February 5, in parallel with the transition of the Nioh 2 to computers.